Course Benefit

laporan keberlanjutan - karisman consulting
  • Well-structured approach in applying GRI Standard for reporting organization, from planning up to developing the report
  • Obtain GRI certified training certificate directly from GRI Netherlands upon completion of the training course
  • Using GRI approved standard training material
  • Practical example and local case studies for interactive discussion during the training

Who Should Attend

Siapa yang harus mengikuti pelatihan ini:

  • Mereka yang terlibat dalam praktik keberlanjutan di perusahaan (mutu, lingkungan, K3 dan CSR)
  • Dari Perusahaan yang menyusun, atau membuat laporan tahunan dan berkewajiban membuat laporan keberlanjutan
  • Ingin memahami standar pelaporan dari GRI, POJK-51, Sustainable Development Goals, Global Compact
  • Ingin meningkatkan kinerja keberlanjutan (People-Planet-Prosperity-Peace-Partnership) di organisasi anda
  • Terbuka bagi CSO, organisasi nirlaba, professional (konsultan, copywriter, publisher)

The Organizer

laporan keberlanjutan training - karisman consulting

PT Karisman Primalulang is an organizational stakeholder to GRI and GRI registered training partner for Indonesia.

Trainers to this training course are senior consultant from PT Karisman Primalulang, in the business of sustainability with hands on experience in report development and project dynamics. All the trainers attended GRI Training of the Trainer.

About the Report

Sustainability Reporting is one strategic communication to your stakeholders. More companies in Indonesia published sustainability reports as part of their non-financial reporting.

As of 2017, all of publicly listed Indonesian company should comply to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) regulation POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017, whereas all of the business and financial entity should provide more extensive reporting beyond annual financial report. Sustainability Reporting is a non-financial, full comprehensive form of company’s responsibility towards stakeholders.

Using GRI Sustainability Reporting Standard(SRS) Framework, an organization may develop its strategic planning for sustainability, whereas the report will communicate your achievements throughout the journey.